Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Week #68 - Last Transfer

Well folks,

Last transfer calls where I didnt know what was happening, but I am staying in Tiergarten for my last 5 weeks!  Woohoo!!!  City of Dreams!!

I am so happy and so grateful to be here.  Crazy how fast the time goes, but I am grateful for every minute of it.

We see so many miracles here.  There are prepared people everywhere and I know that this gospel is true.  I feel it everyday as I teach and testify.  I love it with all my heart and soul.

I love you all and cant wait to see you all again.  Keep shining and smiling...your light makes a bigger difference than you'll ever know!

Love, Sister Dal

DANG!  What a good lookin' distrikt!

Smallest Sister and biggest Elder in the mission! #wehavefun #tiergartenftw

Yes, my companion is a BABE!

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Week #67 - Crazytown

Liebe Lovelies,

This was SUCH a great week - MIRACLE WEEK!

I dont have anytime, but in short.......tausch with Sister Tolman which healed my soul, we found people who actually had interest to learn more, Sister Frenkel had an awesome trip to the doctor's, and we met with Sabia agian!

Yay!!!  Our God is a God of miracles!!!  And I know that the miracles will continue to come!!

I have 6 weeks left folks.  Crazytown, but I am feeling at peace about it all.  Sister  Tolman and I talked about it a lot, and the only thing that keeps coming to my mind is that everything will be ok.  Actually, more than okay.  Everything will be really, really good :)  Sister Frenkel and I talked about goals today, and I read back through those I had made at the beginning of my mission.  it is really cool to see the difference.  To see how much I have accomplished and how much I have changed.  To see things that were once weaknesses now become strengths.  How blessed am I to be here.  I love my mission, and wouldnt trade one single day.  I am so grateful for it. 

I am excited to see you in 6 weeks.  Until then, I am praying for you!!!

Never forget, alles vermag ich durch ihn, der mir kraft gibt (philliper 4:13):

Also:  SHOUTOUT AND HERZLICHEN GLÜCKWÜNSCH TO ELDER DUNCAN AND SISTER KELLER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Love, Sister Dal

Our adventure getting lost in Kreuzberg this week!! #sketchtownberlin #atleastwehadelderswithus 

Hübsches distrikt!

Week #66 - Oktoberfest 2!


Oktoberfest with our favorite missionaries! And a bro...

I love my mission!!!!  I love being a missionary.  I love being here in Germany, and testifying everyday to the people here of my Savior, Jesus Christ.  I love my mission! 

I have just a little bit left, but I want to use every second I have before I go, and do all that I can for the Lord before I leave....then I keep going and keep building Zion.  How blessed!!

I love you all and I am praying for you all!!  Keep spreading your light!!

Love, Sister Stringham



Weel # 65General Konferenz und 2 Monate Noch!!


I love you all!!

A lot!!

Also, I really really love General Konferenz.  It reallly is my favorite time of the year, and this time was no exception!  I have never been so excited in my life.  I learned so much and recieved so many answers to my prayers.  I recieved so much guidance.  I know with all my heart and soul and give testimony that the prophets are truly called of God.  I know it!  Watch General Konferenz, if you havent had the chance yet, it is such a blesing that we have to be able to hear from the Lord through His living prophets.

I love you all and I am praying for you!!

Love, Sister Stringham

Also, found this this week!!  What a great thing to do after conference :) #sharegoodness