Monday, May 26, 2014

Week #46 - Memories of Spandau

Hallo lovelies!!
Sorry this week is going to be short again, but!
Exciting news!
This week, I went on Tausch with Sister Jardine, who I served with for the first SIX MONTHS of my mission and it was THE BEST thing of my life.  SO HAPPY!  I had forgotten what a dream team we were, and all of the wonderful experiences we had shared.  We spent the entire exchange just talking about Spandau and all the people we love and about each other and about the gospel and about being missionares and about everything.  We fasted for the work and people of Spandau together, and saw miracles in Bergerdorf.  It was wonderful to be together again and to see the difference we have made for each other.  I love that sister and I am so grateful for her!!  She helps be a better missionary every time I am around her!! I am so grateful for and humbled by her!
Also, I love my ward.  A LOT!  I am so blessed to be with them, and they teach me so much about the way I want to live my life.  Not only with their sheep, but also with their love and the way the just LIVE the gospel.  I love this ward.
I love my mission!  That is all I can say folks.  I love it!  I love being here and I am so grateful to be here, and I am cant wait to spend the next 6 months in the service of my God.  He lives!
I love you and am praying for you!!
Love, Sister Dilly Dal

Monday, May 19, 2014

Week #45 - Honigkuchenpferd

GML:  Sister Stringham, youre just a Honigkuchenpferd (honeycakehorse, directly translated)
Me:  Excuse me, I'm a what?
GML: A Honigkuchenpferd.  It means youre just always smiling.
Me:  Achso!  Okay, well thank you!

A field of raps

This week!  Sick with a cold cause the weather is crazy here, but other than that, everything is great!!  I love being a missionary and I love my mission!!! 
We had Zone Training Meeting in Hamburg (I love going into the city!) which was so good and SO fun, and I learned so much.  i really love and enjoy the people I serve with.  I love my mission!!!
And I love all of you!  I am praying for you always always!  Keep smiling :)

Love, Sister Stringham

Monday, May 12, 2014

Week #44 - Frohe Mutterstag!


Mother's Day was this week, which meant that I GOT TO SKYPE MY FAMILY!!!  It was the most wonderful gift in all the world, and I am SO BLESSED to have my family!  They are so beautiful and so supportive and SO loving, I just am so happy and so blessed!  I can feel their love from all the way across the world, and I feel their prayers, which keep me going.  It was the last time I will see them until I go home in 6 1/2 months, which is CRAZY.  I want to be the very best I can be and do the very best I can do before I go home.  I am so grateful to be here and I am so grateful to be a missionary.  I love this gospel and this work, and I love my family, both Earthly and Heavenly!

I love you and miss you and I am praying for you!! Keep smiling and shining, and love and serve your family today!  Tell them you love them :)

Love Sister Dal

Lüneburg has THE BEST ice cream shop in all the world! #heidelbeereis

Monday, May 5, 2014

Week #43 - Angels Among Us


So, this week was a week of miracles!  I know that the Lord is with us in this work, and I felt that so strongly this week!  He is always right by our side, helping us and carrying us along.  That goes for everyone too, not just His missionaries.  He is ALWAYS by your side.  You are never alone, never forgotten.  You are always understood and loved.  I am so grateful to be here and for the opportunity to be a representative and disciple of Jesus Christ!

So this week we saw MIRACLES with Sigrid.  We had an amazing lesson where we watched the Joseph Smith movie and she just felt the Spirit so strongly and said that she was searching for the truth, the same as he was.  Then, a few days later, a member from our ward picked up the three of us and drove us out to Bergerdorf for the baptism of Bruder Vlad.  It was an AMAZING experience, especially for Sigrid, and she felt the Spirit so strongly, just as we all did.  She said, as he was baptized, she felt a press on her shoulders, as if someone was there, and when no one was, she knew it was the Lord.  The power of the Spirit is REAL, and I KNOW that there are angels among us, protecting us and leading us along.  

The ward was wonderful and EVERYONE there introduced themselves (including Bruder Liebich, who invited her over to come see his wagons and hear about the gospel, so we are looking forward to that :)), and just put their arms around her and made her feel so loved and so welcomed.  She just cried and was so happy.  After the baptism, she went back to a member's house to stay the night, and then she came with her to church the next day.  MIRACLE!  And then we had the confirmation AND a testimony meeting and the Spirit of the Lord was just so strong and so clear. I was so grateful that she could be there with us, and that the Lord is giving her so many spiritual experiences and guiding her along as she searches for peace and truth.  And I am SO grateful for my mission where my own testimony is strengthened every single day.  I am so grateful to be here. 

We got transfer calls and SIster Knecht and I are staying here for our 8th transfer.  Meaning I only have 5 left on my mission.  I am freaking out.  Also, they said they may have found an apartment in Hamburg for us, so we will see how that goes!

Fearless sisters! 

Lauenburg Missionaries

I love you all very, very much.  I know this work is the work of God, and I know that He is with us as we labor in His vineyard.  I know He is with us always.  I love you all and am praying for you!!!

Liebe Grüße, Sister Stringham