Monday, August 25, 2014

Week #59 - 100 Days Left

That's right folks, start the count down!  I have 100 days today left of my mission.  Crazy how fast the time flies here.  I am crazy scared to end my mission and crazy excited to see all of you again.  Just....going crazy!

Advice?  Send it my way!  What should I do before I go?  How can I make the most of my time left?  How can I keep from going crazy? ;)  Seriously though, I would love to hear from y'all, so send me a letter!

I love my mission!!!  We are seeing SO many MIRACLES!  Its insane!  I am super short on time, so I can't tell you about them now....but they are coming!!!  I LOVE MY MISSION AND I LOVE BEING A MISSIONARY!!!

Also, I finally had a tausch (temporary switch of companion) with Sister Tolman!!!!!!  #BESTTHINGEVER!  Heavenly Father really knows us so well and put us in each other's lives because He knows how much we need each other.  Man, this sister is an angel, let me tell ya, and the tausch was such an answer to my prayers!  I am SO BLESSED to have her and to get to learn from her and feel her testimony and just be uplifted and inspired from her here in Berlin!  SO BLESSED.  Also shoutout: HAPPY EARLY BIRTHDAY SISTER TOLMAN!!!!!!

Well, I love you all and I am praying for you!! Keep putting you faith in God, He is always there :)

Love, Sister Dal

#hübschetiergartenmissionaries (cute)

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Week #58 - Bruder Max in Taufgarten!

Hallo from Taufgarten (Baptismgarden), as we missionaries here lovingly call it! 

First off:  He made it!!  Bruder Max is now officially a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints!!  He's the sweetie in the wheelchair :)

So, this past week was crazy and everything that could possibly go wrong before the baptism did go wrong, but the Lord was with us!  Really, we felt it so strongly, and when what matters most is that Saturday evening finally came and Max and Oliver, another miracle man who has been meeting with the Elders, made it, and are now part of the fold of God.  It was a double baptism, and I have never in my life see two men more converted to the gospel of Jesus Christ.  It was beautiful and the Spirit was so strong. 

So, let me tell you about Max:  Max is our miracle.  He came up to us and started talking, and from day one, he was just crazy prepared.  He loved every minute of our lessons and of church, loved the members, and said he knew the church was true from the first. because of the light that he saw in our faces and the way he felt in the church.  He would say almost every single lesson that the 16th of August just couldnt come soon enough.  He is 79 and would ride buses and subways in his wheelchair almost everyday to go to the church for a lesson or activity.  He loves the church, and would cry when he heard the story of Joseph Smith and the way the Lord answered his prayer.  He just believes it all from the beginning, and it was one of the most amazing experiences of my life being able to work with him.  I am so humbled and SO grateful that the Lord blessed me to be able to meet from him and learn from him, and to see his testimony grow.  I am so grateful!!  It was the same with Oliver as well, and it was so cool to see how the Lord just prepares his children!!  Our God is good, and the church is true!!

Another miracle from this week: Last night, we got a call from two missionaries who are going home tomorrow.  They had been working in Berlin, doing the last finding of their missions, and had just finished their last conversation when they saw 2 ladies across the street taking pictures of them and calling them over.  They went over and started talking to them.  They knew the missionaries!  There was this young girl in her twenties whose mother is a member in Brazil, but she herself never got baptized.  She said she had been waiting her whole life to get baptized, and asked if they could help her out.  She had even been to the church and had taken pictures of it, but the door was locked.  She was SO excited to meet, and we have an appointment today!  MIRACLE!!!!!!!!!!!  Ahh miracle!!!

An apostle of the Lord, Elder David A. Bednar, is coming in a month and the Lord is pouring out the blessings of Heaven before he comes.

I love this work, I know it is true.  I love the Lord and I love my Savior, and I love you!  I am praying for you!!

Love, Sister Dal

#bierbike we raced two with 8 missionaries in front of the tor!!  So fun!

#lovethisgirl #cantwaitforourexchangethisweek!

Monday, August 11, 2014

Week #57 - Berlin Hustles Harder

So not a lot of time, but GOSH I love my mission!!!  In case anyone wasnt aware, I LOVE MY MISSION!  I love being a missionary, I love this work, I love these people and their culture, I love the misisonaries I serve with, ESPECIALLY my companion, I love being a representative of the Lord and spreading His gospel.  I love my mission!!!

We had an amazing week, we met with Max almost every single day this week, and we are getting everything set up for his baptism on SATURDAY!  He is SO excited and just bears his testimony all the time.  He is a miracle, and we love him so very much!  Please send prayers our way!

Also, lots of miracles working with Sabia this week.  She is this wonderful Muslim woman, but loves the church and Jesus, and we can see her testimony really growing.  It is amazing.  And she is so strong, even when it seems the world is against her.  She is such an example of faith and strength to me, and I love watching her faith in Christ grow, and to see her feel the Spirit and the peace that comes into her crazy life when we meet.  Love her!

I love my mission!!  I love this work!  I am so happy and I am excited to be a part of this work!  I have four months left, and I am ecited to live and work hard until the end!!  Any advice?  I love you all and I am praying for you!!  Keep shining :)

Love, SIster Dal

#DDRMuseum - me in a traditional uniform! Godbless the 
East German Saints!

   #mexicanfood - And it was LEGIT!!!!  Tasted like home :) #4monthsuntilieatburittoseveryday

#onabus #crazyzoneleaders #lovethemissionariesiservewith #deutscheshistorischesmuseum

Monday, August 4, 2014

Week #56 - 4 Months Noch

I am so sorry I am a hobo and have no time to write this week, but I am SO happy!

SO HAPPY!  So glücklich es ist UNGLAUBLICH!  Echt.
I feel so blessed to be here!  I am so grateful to be here!  I love my mission!  I love the people here and the other missionaries and my calling and the church, and most of all, I love my Savior!  I am so happy and so grateful to be a part of His divine work!

My time is flying by and I will be done before we know it, but I am happy and committed to sprint to he end, to live in crescendo, to call down the miracles until the end, and to live in total consecration!

I love you all and am praying for you!!
Love, Sister Dally

​#familieknaupe #somuchlove

​#cupcakeswiththedistrict #leckerlecker #happymissionaries
