Monday, December 2, 2013


Berlin's largest and one of the most impressive German Christmas markets in the old town of Spandau. From Monday to Friday there are 250 market stalls, craftsmen and performers in the Carl Schurz-Strasse, at the church of St. Nicholas and the market.Every day there is a free and colorful stage program. Every Wednesday is a family day.

It's December!!!!!  That means it is OFFICIALLY Christmas time!  And boy you can see it here with all of the Christmas markets and the cold weather and the yummy food and happier Germans!  I love Christmas time and the Christmas Spirit, and as Sister Jardine and I have been listening to David Archuleta's Christmas cd since September, it's nice to see that the cheer is finally spreading!  I am so excited!! 

 Here in Germany, they have something called the 4 advents.  Every Sunday in December is the beginning of a new advent week and a new zeal for Christmas.  And apparently everybody goes to church on advents, and especially on Christmas Eve.  SO that means we missionaries are doing LOTS of inviting to our church, and we are trying our best to share the joy and love and spirit of the season with everyone we meet!  It is such a wonderful opportunity to share your testimony of Jesus Christ, so don't be afraid!  Share what you believe about our Savior and why came!  And enjoy the Christmas spirit!!

So this week was another amazing week here! Ready for another Artur story?  Okay here ya go:

So we met him again at the hospital this week, and he had Anton with him, another old russian man in the hospital.  Artur turned to us as we sat down, "My Sisters, I want you to speak with my friend about this church."  Okay, we can do that.  So we started teaching, and gave him a Book of Mormon in Russian which we had felt like we should bring for Artur.  As we taught, Artur interrupted about every minute to testify and make sure he understood everthing and knew how important it was for him to really listen.  He testified about how they only drank because they were alone, but with this church, they weren't alone anymore.  He testified about how it was the true church of Jesus Christ.  He testified about how he turned his life around four months ago when he met us, and how Anton need to do the same.  He testified about how much he wanted a new life and how this gospel would change Anton's life.  Then...he invited Anton to baptism.  Don't even know why we were there, Artur was just being a rockstar.  Golly, he is SUCH an inspiration to me!!  Ah!!  As we talked to Anton later, it turns out that he had met Artur that day.  Artur is pretty alone in this world, but as soon as he made a friend, he shared the gospel.  That is true converion folks, sharing your testimony with everyone you can because of your love and happiness!  This gospel has changed Artur and he loves it and he shares that with everyone who will listen and I love it!  He also had his big trial this week which went REALLY well!  And he is not going back to jail, though he still has to finish out his four year probation.  Three years to go, and then he can have his brand new life!!  He said right before his trial, he shared the little note and scripture we gave him with his probation officer, and said that God would help him through the trial.  He is really excited to see her again this month to tell her that God did.  Love this man!!
Also, this week was Thanksgiving!  What did you say thank you for??  I was so grateful that I got to go to my uncle's and aunt's house for a little bit, spend time with the family, and eat american food!  Mmmm turkey and mashed potatoes, something that I have definitely missed!  We were there for less than an hour, but it was WONDERFUL!  I am so grateful to be so close to family, and to be able to see them!  I am so grateful to be a missionary in Berlin, Germany!  I am so grateful grateful for Sister Jardine, who is a BABE, and inspires me every single day!  I am grateful for the Elders in Spandau, Elder Utach and Elder Wilde, who are SUCH good missionaries!  We gave them several of our investigators to teach because we don't have time to teach everyone who wants to hear the gospel, and I don't think there are many other people on the planet who I would trust these souls with, but our Elders are just changing lives all over the place!  It is such a testament of how much work there is to do, and how many prepared people there are and how we need more missionaries!  I love being a missionary and being part of this work!  I love being an instrument in the hands of the Lord, and I love being here!!

Here we are at the Spandau Christmas Market

Last week, we went to the Weihnachtsmarkt in Spandau, and today we are going to one in Alexanderplatz.  What else should we do this Christmas season?

I love you all so much, and I miss you and I pray for you everyday!  Share your testimony of Christ, and enjoy the Christmas season!

Love, Sister Stringham

Stay tuned for more pictures and an explanation of the famous Christmas Markets here.  Truly wish you could all be here to share the magic.

One of the most popular Christmas markets in Berlin is situated next to the Kaiser Wilhelm Memorial Church amidst the hustle and bustle of high street shoppers. The church itself serves as a poignant memorial to the war as the spire was damaged from a bomb during WW2 and never repaired. Adjacent to the market is the main shopping boulevard in Berlin which holds the biggest department store in Europe.
Mulled wine and punch, grilled sausages and baked apples are available from the numerous lovingly decorated stalls. The shopping boulevard holds the biggest department store in continental Europe and is just around the corner from the Christmas markets. The traditional and particularly lovely Christmas market at the 'Gendarmenmarkt' market square is also not to be missed, located in one of Europe's most beautiful squares.
Berlin's most famous square plays host to the Alexanderplatz market and is particularly family friendly as it plays host to an enchanted fairytale forest and an ice rink. It is also the location of the capital's highest tower which is a popular attraction for visitors on Berlin City breaks. The 360 degree viewing platform provides spectacular panoramic views of the city and in the evening it shows the city illuminated by thousands of lights.
Located in the neighbourhood of the UK, French and US embassies this Christmas market exhibits the distinct festive traditions of many European destinations.
Christmas Market with the Dom in the background--beautiful!

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