Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Week #13 - Mormon Oktoberfest

My District at the Berlin Wall

Hallo Family and Friends!
So this weekend was General Conference!!  Whoohoo!!!  Anybody else have their life changed??  Anybody else love hearing from the prophet of the living God??  I sure did!!  I know I want to be a better person and a better missionary, and I loved all that I learned from the leaders of the Church.  We have been so blessed and so nourished by the word of God!  If you missed any of the sessions, take the time to watch them online at lds.org.  I promise it will bless you and answer the questions in your heart!  I love general conference and I love the prophets of God!
For General Conference in Germany, we all travel to the stake center in Tiergarten (which is about 45 minutes by train) and watch together.  And we even get to watch 2 of the sessions live at night with the time difference!  That was so great, to know that I was watching with all of you halfway across the world.  There are different rooms for different languages, and I was blessed to be able to go to the English room!  I was so happy, and I learned so much!  And we had several of our investigators come!  One of which was Herr Kendrick:

Have I ever told you about him?  Well he is THE BEST!  He is a strong Catholic man with a beautiful family and an abundance of faith.  He is brilliant (pretty sure he has the bible memorized) and funny and sincerely loves to learn.  When we first started teaching him, he let us in so that he could convert us, but he has since gained a testimony of the truthfulness of this church!  He loves the Book of Mormon (which he has read and reread - often times in lessons he teaches us from its pages), believes in the prophets and wants to go to the temple to be sealed to his family!  He just also believes that the Catholic church is true too..but he is so close and loves this gospel!  He knows Christ and I know that someday he will know that Christ is truly at the head of this church.  And I pray everyday that I will be able to see that day!  He is the BEST and I absolutely ADORE his family!!  And they love us too and want to be missionaries with us!  Anyways, he's cool, and he came to conference looking as catholic as humanly possible to hear the prophet of the Lord.  And you know what, HE LOVED conference!  It was truly amazing to see the excitement in his eyes as he listened to the words of the prophets and learn from the modern words God.  It strengthened my testimony of missionary work, and how this is new for those we teach.  We come with words of revelation and we really are saving those we teach, and giving them the knowledge they seek.  It was great to be around him and his excitement...like a kid in a candy shop.  I love being a missionary and being able to meet and love and serve these people!
I love this gospel and I know that this is the gospel of Christ.  I know that Christ lives and He is at the head of this church today.  I know that God speaks to prophets today, and that He always has been and always will be a God of miracles.  I know that I am on His errand.  I love being a missionary and I love you all!  I think of you and pray for you!  Godbless!

"Success in His service always produces miracles beyond our own powers. ... There is joy guaranteed for the faithful" President Henry B. Eyring.

"As men and women, sisters and brothers, sons and daughters of God, we move forward together." Elder Neil L. Andersen.

"It is a fundamental truth that through the Atonement of Jesus Christ, we can be cleansed." Elder Richard G. Scott.

"Finishing involves enduring to the end of life." President Thomas S. Monson.

"You must become the rock the river cannot wash away." President Richard Maynes.

"Difficulties allow us to change for the better." President Thomas S. Monson.

"Each day is a day of decision, and our decisions determine our destiny." Elder Russell M. Nelson.

"Whether it is the best of times or the worst of times, He is with us. He has promised that this will never change." President Thomas S. Monson.

"True conversion occurs as you continue to act upon the doctrines you know are true and keep the commandments, day after day, month after month." Sister Bonnie L. Oscarson.

"Our understanding of God's plan and His doctrine gives us an eternal perspective." Elder Dallin H. Oaks.

"Though we may feel we are like a broken vessel we must remember that vessel is in the hands of the divine potter." Elder Jeffrey R. Holland.

"Our destiny is not determined by the number of times we stumble but by the number of times we stand up, dust ourselves off, and stride forward." President Dieter F. Uchtdorf.

"The acorn of honest inquiry has often sprouted and matured into a great oak of understanding." President Dieter F. Uchtdorf.

"Our daily walk with Jesus Christ provides peace and purpose in this life." President Dieter F. Uchtdorf.

"Doubt your doubts before you doubt your faith" - President Dieter F. Uchtdorf. 

"The scriptures hold the keys to spiritual protection" - President Boyd K. Packer. 

Love, Sister Stringham

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