Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Week #18 I Love My Mission!

Here is my district with a One Meter Pizza!  Can we do it??  

So this week we had some amazing lessons with our investigators, we went out to a new area where no one yelled at us, we ate the best goulash ever, we helped the Silva Familie move (still sore btw #outofshapesistermissionary), we saw President, and we saw miracles every single day!
I don't have a ton of time to write this week because I am going to go spend the day with my Uncle Greg and Family, but just real quick:

Christina is the light of my life!  She is so beautiful and faithful and filled with love.  We are so blessed to know her and to be a part of her life right now as she is making so many big changes.  She gave us jackets and told us she wants us to be the godmothers of her new baby on the way!  #meltedmyheart.  We talked a lot about what kind of mother she wants to be, and the kind of life she wants for her family.  We testified of how important Christ is for our families, and the blessings that come from raising your family in the gospel.  I am just so grateful to be a part of her life at this time, and I pray that she will take the steps she needs to to give her family the kind of life that she wants them to have.  She is amazing and such an example of light to us!
Also, Artur is the coolest person on the planet.  He is so faithful and looks like a completely different person than when we first met him.  He shines with the light of Christ.  He eats at a soup kitchen everyday, but this week he gave us a cantalope and an apple because he said God told him to.  Apparently we are eating too much chocolate or something...He makes me smile  and has definitely changed my life.  He also came to help the Silvas move.  He is a beast and I have suspicions that he may have been a boxer in Russia.  We did find out he was a bus driver at one point and that his favorite team is Hertha BSC (wootwoot).  He really is an incredible man and I am SO grateful to know him!!

Also, Familie Silva is THE BEST!  We helped them move on Saturday, and they have a room that they call 'The Sister's Room' for when we come back and visit.  They are so sweet and do so much for us!  They call me Sister Wundebar and I can't wait to spend the rest of my life knowing and speaking with them.  They are such an inspiration to us, and they have changed my life by their example and their love!  I love them so much!!
Also, guess what.......you'll never guess.......okay, here it is.  We had interviews with President this week (which was WONDERFUL by the way, and we really got to know him a lot better) and he told us, that Sister Jardine and I....are...............STAYING IN SPANDAU FOR CHRISTMAS!!!!  WOOHOOO!!!!  Immer noch in Spandau and immer noch together!!  I love SIster Jardine and she loves me and we are SO EXCITED to have another 6 weeks, and escpecially to have CHRISTMAS together!!!
Okay, that's it folks, I gotta go, but I love you all!  I love being a missionary and I love Germany and Spandau and I love the other missionaries I serve with and I love those I teach and I just love my mission!  Thank you for all of your support and prayers, I am working hard and prying for you too!!  Bis Montag!!
Liebe Grüße,
Sister Stringham

Oh yes we can!!  Please notice Sister Jardine is finishing off the last piece and all the Sisters are smiling while all the guys look like they're going to be sick!  The Elder taking the photo couldn't even get the photo in focus.  Love the missionaries!

German Gangsters!

More German Gangsters!

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