Monday, September 16, 2013

Week #10 Rain or Shine


Boil 'em...

Mash 'em...

Stick 'em in a stew!!

Hallo everyone!

So, another great week of miracles here in Spandau, which I am pretty sure is basically the new Brazil with how many people we have to teach.  It's the BEST!
So, Germany is beautiful!  It is starting to be cold and rainy everyday, but its beautiful and I love it!!  We work rain or shine, so the work goes on!  We eat potatoes at most eating appointments, and the chocolate here is the best thing in the world.  We ride buses and trains every day (and miss them frequently), and we do a lot of walking in the rain.  Being a missionary is the best.

SO a couple great stories from this week:
First, one day this week we were klingling (going door to door) and at one of the houses a little girl answered the door.  She said her dad was in the shower and couldnt come to the door.  No problem, just tell your parents we stopped by and give them this card.  No biggie...

and then her dad opened the window WHILE he was in the shower and started talking to us...#gottalovethegermans! We had a great conversation though, so naja! (pronounced na-ya)

Second, really cool!  We were meeting with one of beloved investigators, Christina.  She is SO wonderful and has SOO much faith.  She is such a strong lady, and she is so sweet.  We just love her.  We have been teaching her about the gospel and she has felt the spirit, and we are just trying to get her to pray and ask if what we are saying is true.  At the end of our lesson this week, we asked if we could say a kneeling prayer with her.  Despite all the distractions going on in her home from her family, the prayer was SO powerful.  Whooh it was great!  We blessed her home and her family, and she cried.  I love being a missionary and being able to bless people in the name our Lord, Jesus Christ!

Third, we met this really great family this week!  It was a little bit of a rough day because most of our appointments fell out, but we kept on smiling even in the rain.  We felt like we should go by one of our investigator's houses.  Turns out, he moved back to Romania, but his cousins who live there invited us in.  

WOW they are prepared!

  They just opened up and told us their life stories!  They have been searching for God, but don't think they have good enough hearts, and that is why they don't have any children yet.  They love church though and they pray everyday.  We taught about how much God loves them and how they are children of God.  They are so excited to learn about the gospel and to come to church with us.  And we just love this family!  We never would have found them if it hadn't been for their cousin who we met on the street, who then randomly moved back to Romania.  We are so blessed to know them and to feel the Spirit in that home.  This work is the work of God, and He leads His missionaries to His prepared children!  I love being a missionary!
I hope all is well at home!  Thank you for those who write me (shout out to Sarah and the family!  Thank you so much for the card and the gift!  MADE MY DAY!), it really means a lot to know someone still thinks about me back home!  I love you all and I pray for you!  God bless!!

Love, Sister Stringham

Word of the Week:
Schmeichelhaften: flatterings
Schmeicheln Sie mich nicht!
Don't flatter me!


Love this food!

...and this chocolate!!

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