Monday, January 13, 2014

Week #27 New Beginnings in Spandau

Hello All!!!
So lots of adventures here in Spandau!!  I love being a missionary and I love this area!!  I love the people with all my heart and I love this work!!!

So this week I put my best friend of the last 6 months on a train for Hamburg!  Super sad to be separated after so long together (some statistic floating around somewhere says 20yrs of marriage), but it is also so good to both be off on new adventures!  I know we are both so excited to be working for the Lord, and I know we will see each other again soon!!

So, other things from this week....
First off, I love being a representative of the Lord, Jesus Christ!!  People see it and feel it!  Like, for example, Özgur from our favorite Döner place and his cousin!  They asked about our church and our meeting with us now because they want to turn their lives around and follow Christ.  And everytime they see us on the street, they call us over and give us free water or döners or anything.  They say they see our light and know we are from Christ.  Also this week, as we were walking down the street, a man called after us on the street because he saw our nametags, and asked us to teach his family.  The Lord has PREPARED PEOPLE EVERYWHERE folks, I know it!!  I know this is his work and I know that my time as His representative is so precious.  I love being a missionary!!
Second, Wichian is probably the coolest person on the planet.  So we have been meeting with us for the past 5 months.  He loves the church and he wants to believe in God and he has felt the Spirit SO STRONGLY.  I love teaching him and seeing his progress and his faith grow. It has come so far and he is so close to accepting Christ, he just wants to make sure he has made the right decision.  He is working on trusting the Lord, and in the meantime, what does he do?  He writes a song about Mosiah 18, about the doctrine and gospel of Jesus Christ.  This week he told us all about it and how he is working our names into it so that his missionaries can be a part of his song.  Jardine changed to Janee in Thai meaning good heart, Harris to Harisa meaning happy spring, and Stringham to Stri-gnam meaning good, beautiful woman.  SO COOL!  Gosh, I love this guy!!  He is having a Thai woman in our stake sing it (apparently he hangs out with all the thais and new converts from our stake??) and he want Sister Harris to sing it as well.  I love being a missionary and working with such incredible people!!  I love this gospel and the changing power it has!  I love seeing faith working in people, and watching the Atonement heal souls.  I love being a part of conversion. I love seeing people come to Christ!  I love my mission!

I love Spandau and I am so excited for this next transfer!  Sister Harris and I have made high goals and we have faith and are ready to work hard and get things done!  I know that when we are faithful and diligent as missionaries (and in life) that we see miracles and can accomplish great things as tools in the hand of the Lord.  I am so grateful for my time as a missionary, and I love my work!  I meet so many wonderful people, from new people interested in the gospel of Jesus Christ, to members who faithfully live every day as disciples.  We were by Familie Richter yesterday for a wonderful dinner of sauerkraut and knüdels and roast something and veggies and it was so lecker, and we spent the time talking about the scriptures and looking through their photos from their vacations to the US.  It was so perfect, I just love my life so much!  Thank you for your examples to me, and for your prayers, I feel them every day!  I love you all and am praying for you, and working hard for you and for the Lord! 
Love, Sister Dal
We studied the Atonement through reading the Book of Mormon as a mission, and I finished this week.  If you don't know this book yet or haven't read it through or prayed about it, please, try it out.  I know, with all my heart, and I bear testimony as a representative of the Lord, Jesus Christ, that the Book of Mormon is true.  I know it is from God, and I know that, as we read it with the Bible, that we have the fulness of the gospel and that it will bring us back to our Father in Heaven.  I love the Book of Mormon.  I feel the love of the Lord and my Savior as I read it.  I am so grateful to ba a missionary, and to have the opportunity to share this joy with the people of Germany!  We are changing Germany, and I know that we will change the world!  Love you all and love my calling!! 

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